Etiquette Instructions That All Office Cleaners In Melbourne Need To Follow

Did you know that office cleaners in Melbourne have specific etiquette guidelines that they are expected to follow in the course of their work? These instructions are designed to ensure that the cleaners perform to the best of their abilities and that the client is satisfied with their performance. For your own peace of mind, some of the etiquette guidelines that should be followed include: Don’t use any of the client’s property. This includes photocopiers, fax machines, computers, radios, calculators and so on. Don’t turn on or off any equipment. If you notice that a computer was left on do not touch it, as this was probably done for a reason. Don’t sit at desks or open any drawers, cabinets and containers unless it is directly related to your work, such as: getting supplies out of a cupboard, restocking the bathrooms, putting away the dishes and emptying the bins. Don’t read books or examine papers in the office. This also includes bringing in your own reading ma...