How Much Should I Be Paying For Cleaning Services?

Determining whether you are being charged correctly by the cleaning service you have employed to keep your workplace spick and span is actually a more difficult task then it seems. By taking the following factors into consideration, however, you should be able to get a pretty good idea of whether you are being overcharged for the services that you are receiving.
  • Local Market – Take a moment to consider your own local market, as cleaning costs can vary widely across the country or even the city where you live. Make some enquiries to other services in your area to see what they are charging compared with the sorts of tasks that they undertake to make a comparison.
  • Business Costs – Next, take a moment to consider the costs associated with the service actually running their business. They will have to cover their transportation, taxes, salaries, equipment, maintenance, insurance and any marketing that they undertake. On top of all these costs they will also need to make a profit.

To arrive at a ‘perfect’ cost for cleaning services, you will need to balance the existing marketing conditions with the amount of money needed to cover the cost of the work and still make a profit. You will probably find that the cleaners most willing to please are willing to offer high quality work at a price that is 10 to 15 percent lower than that of their competitors.
  • Tip – Many cleaning companies will try to enhance the value that they are perceived to provide by offering a signature service that really sets them apart from their competitors. Some of these ‘signatures’ include an affinity with pets, home security measures and even the use of green products. What do your cleaners offer?
Once you have looked at all of the above areas, you can begin working out whether your cleaning service is over or even under charging you for keeping your office neat and tidy. If you find that you are being grossly overcharged for the work that you receive, you should consider finding a new service whose prices are more reasonable to take over. 

If you are looking cleaning services in Melbourne. get in touch with CleanCraf they provide all type of commercial office cleaners in Melbourne, Australia.

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